Sonntag, 26. Februar 2017

FMA 080: Malte Gerhardt & Benny Lampret (Canine)

Malte Gerhardt & Benny Lampret (Canine)
Benny was the first person in FMA to ask if I still would show up after we had scheduled the interview.

Although I had never heard of them, CANINE blew me away with their performance and kick ass drumming, all heavily REFUSED-influenced.

I found out that a part of CANINE’s current line-up had already played in AT THE FAREWELL PARTY and that they just had finished recording their debut LP which they recorded with Patrick, who just graduated from SAE and was about, with a partner, to start working in his own studio called B9. A couple of weeks later I had the chance to catch a sneak peak of their upcoming record which should be well recognized by fans, fanzines, bookers and receive overall positive reviews.

A couple of weeks after that interview their drummer left the band to join ANNISOKAY.

The most amazing fact about this interview is non-journalistic:
CANINE and I turned this entire thing into a friendship. Firstly, Benny asked me if I wanted o join him and Patrick on their trip to a LETLIVE-show in Cologne. Subsequently, I helped them out as a merch guy when they opened a show for SILVERSTEIN and BEING AS AN OCECAN at Club Vaudevile in Lindau. By now I’m also CANINE’s (part time) live show photographer. Benny and I even tried to book shows once a month together.
All that happening from a simple interview in an unimportant German suburb for a project that actually no one cares or cared too much about. Well, “my favorite things in life aren’t even things at all” (THE GHOST INSIDE).

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