Samstag, 25. Februar 2017

FMA 070: Scott Carstairs & Brian James (Fallujah)

Brian James & Scott Carstairs (Fallujah)
Before the show I had some to chat with FALLUJAH’s vocalist Alex who told me that he once worked in a Bavarian restaurant, where the personnel was German and the kitchen run by El Salvadorians. This job matched his language aspirations: Alex always wanted to learn German on his own and he had Spanish in school (what doesn’t come as a surprise since he lives in California).

Scott informed me that earlier that day there was a shooting in Viernheim (Hessia) which led us to a discussion about guns. Scott, as US-citizen, stated that “they NEVER EVER WILL BAN IT in the US.” He didn’t choose sides with that statement whether they should or shouldn’t be. He just represented the predominant state of mind in the United States.
In Germany, as well as Europe in general, guns are not part of daily routines. I, for instance, have never laid hands on a gun in my entire life.

After the actual interview Scoot and Brian explained a couple of other aspects of FALLUJAH’s band internals:
- Touring to them is a strategy to spread their name.
- By now they were lucky enough to do better than break even after a tour.
- Both give guitar lessons through Skype
- We agreed that Instagram is awfully shallow. Nonetheless it's good for bands or other PR-reasons.
- They once rehearsed in the same building with LIONHEART somewhere in Oakland.

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