Samstag, 25. Februar 2017

FMA 066: Will Gould & Ian Miles (Creeper)

Neither had I entered, nor shot an interview in a nightliner before I entered CREEPER’s.

After the interview Will and Ian admitted that my questions were a nice relief from the shallow ones they are regularly facing, e.g. “What is the creepiest place you have ever been to?” – I mean… come on... who asks a band called CREEPER a question about creepiness? Seriously?! Will shared and underpinned my opinion: “This is not what CREEPER is about. Except for the visuals.”

Will Gould & Ian Miles (Creeper)
I guess as long as there are people who ask bands called SKYWALKER about Star Wars everything superficial seems legit in today’s journalism.

Afterwards I wanted to record a video with another British band. As Ian saw me waiting he asked if I wanted something to drink. I agreed and off he went, downstairs to the backstage area, grabbed me an apple juice and refreshed I enjoyed the last minutes of waiting.

I also tried to get NECK DEEP to join my project but their tour manager denied my request because it would firstly have to go through their management. I emphasized that CREEPER had already agreed to join me. He, in advice, retorted that CREEPER should better not do it since they are signed to a major label (Warner Music) which could sue me or at least force me to delete the video since the label has never approved the interview.

I have to admit that the thought of being sued by a million dollar company scared me. Still, on my way home I quickly came up with my safety net. Officially I did a video with a private person who happened to play in a band. It’s a grey area, doubtlessly.

Fortunately, I’m still waiting for the first mail by any label whatsoever.

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