Samstag, 25. Februar 2017

FMA 072: Vincent Gross (Deep In Hate)

Vincent Gross (Deep In Hate)
When I arrived at Club Puschkin in Dresden, Germany DEEP IN HATE was already on stage preparing everything for their set. Unfortunately, they had some technical issues with the drum set which delayed the entire timetable by almost one hour.

I approached them right afterwards.
Okay, we can do it in 10-15 minutes”, they replied.
After 20 minutes no one had shown up, so I asked again if they are still interested.
“Yes, in 10-15 minutes.”
Well, after waiting more than half an hour I was about to not take this serious anymore and just renounce DIH instead.
And in that very moment Vinc showed up, who, of course, turned out to be just as kind as it gets.

After the video he told me that he is half-German. I replied with a couple of German sentences which he indeed understood. Nevertheless, he fully unlearned German while growing up. We exchanged Facebook contacts and he offered me to contact him whenever I’m in Paris.

Sometimes patience pays off.

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