Samstag, 25. Februar 2017

FMA 068: Stijn Deweerdt & Bert de Ridder (Ashes)

While I waited for Bert & Stijn to show up I chatted a bit with their bassist Olivier who turned out to be just as an excited NHL-fan as me. Frankly, I was not prepared as well as pretty surprised to run into a hockey fan from Belgium on that afternoon.

We talked about why the New York Rangers lacked some offense that season. We rapidly came to terms that one big reason definitely was Rick Nash’s scoring drought. He simply did not live up to the overall expectations. On the other hand Mats Zuccarello carried the team offensively and did it all for them that year. Arguably he even was their best player in the entire season.
In our conversation we even drifted off to talk about my favorite team, the San Jose Sharks, who remarkably improved compared to the season before and went on to the Stanly Cup Final for the first time in franchise history. A run that made me spend too many nights in front of my laptop. Trust me, time zones can be a real sleep killer.

When Bert & Stijn showed up I ended my NHL-talk and we sat down on the yet not fully prepared stage to do the interview.

Stijn Deweerdt & Bert de Ridder (Ashes)

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