Sonntag, 26. Februar 2017

FMA 073: Rico Opitz & Nils Sackewitz (Storyteller)

Rico Opitz & Nils Sackewitz (Storyteller)
Before their set started I hang a bit at STORYTELLER’s merch desk. There Rico told me that he played drums for 13 years before he became a singer. He even once filled in for ANNISOKAY on drums when supported PARKWAY DRIVE in Russia. (Where else, right?)

While hanging I also saw a bunch of tickets for Destruction Derby, a music festival. I remembered that it is held in Dessau. After I probed a bit it came to daylight that Nils is the promoter and organizer of that festival. So I, naively and confidently, took my chances and asked Nils if I could show up there and shoot some videos for FMA. “I can hand you an AAA-pass but I can’t promise you that bands will have time. You would need to organize that by yourself” – invitation and possibility is more than enough since I had an average success rate of 95% when I asked bands if they wanted to do an interview with me.

Four, five weeks later I ran into STORYTELLER again when they played at a festival in Dresden. Rico actually remembered who I was. Recognition always feels good. 

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