Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2016

FMA 022: Kevin Niedernhöfer & Alex Thiel (Lax Diamond)

One week before I interviewed LAX DIAMOND I shot a video with their bass player Jonas and his other band. Jonas was kind enough to tell his LAX DIAMOND-bandmates that I’d come around to do the same with them.

Kevin Niedernhöfer & Alex Thiel (Lax Diamond)
When I arrived at the venue they had already finished their set and did a live stream tour blog via Facebook for their fans. Not aware of that I totally crashed into that stream, Kevin and Alex asked me right away who I was. But luckily Jonas saved me from stuttering some obscure bullshit live on the Internet by yelling my name across the stairway and explaining that I was the interview guy.

After we had a good laugh, settled things and shook hands we sat down backstage in between sweaty underwear and gear cases.
To this day LAX DIAMOND remain one of the most warm-hearted and lovely bands I met during this project.

Check out their “Heartbound”-trilogy consisting of “The rain”, “Ghost orchid” and “Phoenix”.

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