Sonntag, 8. Januar 2017

FMA 048: Tim van Beek & Jurjen van Mourik (Wreckage)

Right opposite to the venue where I have shot most of my interviews is another tiny concert location. Never had I attended it before. I just knew that it holds a sleeping place for musicians as KMPFPSRT once told me. The ominous place you see in the video is exactly that sleeping place in the venue’s attic.

That’s where I sat down with Tim and Jurjen from WRECKAGE.
Tim van Beek & Jurjen van Mourik (Wreckage)
Before we started they asked me why I wanted to an interview with them since they consider themselves as a rather small band. Sincerely I replied that I do not care whether a band is famous or not. I simply liked to stock pile my “roster” of interviews and because Dutch and Belgian people speak English very well WRECKAGE seemed to be a good band to add.

At this stage of FMA I decided to record every band in English. No more special treatments for German bands. (Which, of course, did not work. LOL.)

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