Samstag, 25. Juni 2016

FMA 005: Cédric “Gredin” Pagès (Hypno5e)

Cédric “Gredin” Pagès (Hypno5e)
This is one of my favorite photos I have taken throughout this project. To me “Gredin” really looks some kind of “hypno5ed” due to the white light.
I approached HYPNO5E after their sound check. “Gredin” immediately joined me and we sat down in front of the quiet delicious looking buffet.
During this interview the Dutch main act went through its sound check, so I was quiet worried about the audio quality of this video. But luckily it turned out just fine although one can perceive some sound check snippets during the video.
“Gredin” dug deep and started his monologue with a cute anecdote from his childhood. So far nobody in FMA has started her or his contribution with an infant anecdote.
Funnily enough, I had never heard of HYPNO5E before that day but a couple of months later I read an interview with them in the next edition (#57) of my favorite magazine FUZE MAGAZINE. Sometimes things come full circle by themselves.


HYPNO5E have recently released their third record “Shores Of The Abstract Line” via PelagicRecords.

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