Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2016

FMA 001a: Vasco Ramos (More Than A Thousand)

Vasco Ramos (More Than A Thousand)
MTAT were one of the first “bigger” and internationally touring bands I had the chance to do an FMA-video with. I caught them on their Farewell-Tour in early 2016.
Originally, I planned to do the interview with Vasco Ramos, the singer of MORE THAN A THOUSAND. At this early stage of “Fuck Money Attitude” I aimed to do all interviews - respectively most of them - with the vocalists since they are the person of a band the audience would recognize the most and easiest.
I introduced the topic and my project. We started but as Vasco realized that I would not ask any questions during the video he abruptly stopped.
It turned out that he would not be the right person to talk to on that night. This is not my judgment. He admitted that since he simply does not feel comfortable to talk freely and in detail without questions being asked. 
Nonetheless Vasco told me that there is quiet some anger and bitterness in the air due to the break up of his band which has been around for the last 16 years.
The reason for the break up? Money, of course.
Still it will be easy for him - and the rest of the band - to be creative since he is a producer who has his own recording studio.

Luckily, I did not go home without a video that night. To not let me leave empty handed Vasco introduced me to Miguel…

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